Entries by Brian Horsak

Brelomate at ICCHP

The 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) took place on July 11th – 12th, 2015 at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Our team took the opportunity to present the project Brelomate at the conference, which provides a unique platform for end users,researchers, developers and practitioners. ICCHP has been attended by more than 400 […]

ICAD 2015 Graz, Austria

Today (July 8th, 2015) begins the first of three days of the ICAD Conference in Graz, Austria. Our SONIGait team will be presenting to the scientific community the results of our pilot test for the first SONIGait prototype. Newer post older post home march 9, 2014 edmodo is a best website write essays online powerful […]

Trial protocol accepted for “Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag 2015” in Mainz

The trial protocol for the Children’s Knees study was accepted to be presented for the “Sportwissenschaflicher Hochschultag 2015” at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. The conference will be held from 30th September 2015 – 2nd October 2015. David Artner will attend the congress and is going to present the trial protocol. The features […]

Staircase construction and speed measurement system implemented

To allow the measurement of ground reaction forces during stair walking, a special staircase element was constructed. This element can be mounted directly on one of the force plates and together with the staircase of the Rehabilitation Center Weißer Hof builds the final staircase that will be used during the whole biomechanical study. A self- […]

Biomechanical Setup moving forward

The development of the biomechanical measurement setup is constantly moving forward. A proper staircase construction was acquired from the Rehabilitation Center Weißer Hof in Klosterneuburg and will be used for all upcoming gait analyses at the Biomechanics Laboratory of the USZ Vienna. The first staircase element will be placed directly on one of the force […]

Project Presentation in front of NFB funding authority

On May 4th 2015 Dr. Brian Horsak presented the Children’s Knees project in front of the management board of the NFB and other scientists who are working on projects funded by the NFB Life Science Call 2013. The aim of this meeting was to share the scientific work with colleagues from different professions and maybe […]

Biomechanical setup development in progress

The development of the biomechanical setup to investigate kinetics, kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters of obese children during walking and stair climbing is moving forward. Dr. Brian Horsak, David Artner MSc and Barbara Pobatschnig BSc spent two days on the build up and testing of a first preliminary setup. The working progress resulted in a first […]

Dissemination Road Map

First Year Dissemination Activities setting up the project website open access publication of a trial protocol to attract the attention of the scientific community evaluating further dissemination activities Second Year Dissemination Activities extending the project website promoting the project on conferences and events submitting papers to academic journals and presenting them on national and international […]

CHILDREN’S KNEES – Project Description

Introduction Obesity in childhood already affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States and the prevalence is still increasing in most of the countries of the world. In Germany the prevalence of childhood obesity increased by almost 50% and the statistics show comparable data in Austria. Scientific investigations show that threre is […]


Description Im Zuge des Forschungsvorhabens CARMA wird ein Zentrum für angewandte Forschung für medienunterstützte Gesundheitsvorsorge mit Fokus auf die Bereiche Bewegung und Aktivität aufgebaut und nachhaltig positioniert. Um Selbständigkeit und Aktivität bis ins hohe Alter zu ermöglichen, werden neben verschiedenen Assistenzsystemen, vor allem auch neue, bereits bei Jugendlichen ansetzende Konzepte in Prävention, Therapie und Rehabilitation […]