Poster presented at the ESMAC 2018

Poster presented at the ESMAC!

As every year, some of our team members visited the annual conference of the ESMAC, the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children, this year hosted in Prag. Brian presented our lovely poster entitled: “Towards an optimal combination of input signals and derived representations for gait classification based on ground reaction force measurements”. […]

Paper accepted

Gait & Posture – Paper accepted

Great news! Once again, a paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Gait & Posture. The title of our lovely paper is: “Reliability of joint kinematic calculations based on direct kinematic and inverse kinematic models in obese children”. This article reports the reliability of kinematic data derived from inverse-kinematic modelling performed in OpenSim. This […]

Brian Horsak having a look at the lab at the KU Leuven

Research visit at KU Leuven

This week Brian Horsak visited Prof. Ilse Jonkers and her “Human Movement Biomechanics Research Group” at the KU Leuven in Belgium. This trip was financed by the Erasmus+ Staff training program. During his stay in Leuven, Brian visited a total of three Biomechanics Labs of the KU Leuven and had some very interesting discussions with […]

UmBrello – Conference contribution published for Springer LNCS

A paper about the first results of our field trial with 30 elderly participants over the course of 5 month within the projects of Brelomate 2/ UmBrello was accepted! Over 200.000 data points were recorded and analysed in a first step. The constribution is titled “Improving user engagement and social participation of elderly people through […]

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Follow-up project granted!

A follow-up project to our Children’s Knees project, which we have submitted to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) in 2017, was accepted. This is awesome news! The project is entitled: “Validity of several non-invasive hip joint center estimation methods for clinical gait analysis in a population of overweight and obese children and adolescents” The primary […]

IntelliGait at the GAMMA conference in Hamburg!

Two members of the IntelliTeam, Brian Horsak and Caterine Schwab, attended the second scientific conference of the GAMMA gait analysis society. The conference was organized by the Schönklinik Hamburg Eilbek. For two days, several researchers and clinicians mainly from Austria, Germany and Switzerland met to discuss new developments and clinical findings in the field of […]

Workshop Educational Institutions

On February 27, 2018 the fifth workshop took place in Hofstetten. This time we invited people from educational institutions, like a elementary school, or catholic training institute in Obergrafendorf to talk and discuss about Umbrello. We wanted to know what they think about Umbrello, how they could use it and which ideas they have to […]

Workshop local Trade and Business

On February 21, 2018 another workshop took place in Weinburg. This time we focused on local trade and business issues. Therefore we invited people who works in these sectors, they offer bio products in a small shop or own a electronic business and together with the Umbrello team they discussed problems, new ideas and their […]