FH St. Pölten

UmBrello: Working towards an AAL testregion in Lower Austria

The exploratory project UmBrello aims at designing a cost-effective and easy-to-use communication and service platform for older citizens and stakeholders for a future test region in Lower Austria. Based on the research results from the FFG Benefit-funded projects Brelomate 1 and 2, the chances for online services are to be examined in the following research […]

FH St. Pölten / Jakob Doppler

New project UmBrello starting in October

We are very proud to announce that our project proposal for UmBrello, our follow-up to Brelomate 1 & 2, was accepted by FFG benefit. UmBrello is an interdisciplinary project with team members from 5 departments and services of St. Poelten UAS and our external partner “Kleinregion Pielachtal”. It starts in October 2017 and the following […]

FH St. Pölten / Caterine Schwab

Caterine Schwab

is junior researcher at the University of Applied Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and the Institute for Sciences and Services in Health. She gained experience in motion analysis and biomechanical investigations during her Healthcare and Rehabilitation Technology study at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna and during the practical work for her master Thesis in […]

Jakob Doppler

Nach Tätigkeiten am Ars Electronica Linz Futurelab und am Institut für Pervasive Computing Linz lehrt und forscht Jakob Doppler an der FH St. Pölten im Bereich Human Computer Interaction und Mobile Computing. 2013 gewann er als Leiter der Smart Home Automation im Team Austria den internationalen Bauwettbewerb Solar Decathlon in Kalifornien gegen Top-US Universitäten wie Stanford und Caltech.
Derzeitige Projekte umfassen den Aufbau eines Center for Media Assisted Healthcare und Living (CARMA) und mobile Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien für ältere Menschen (BRELOMATE).
Sein Interesse gilt dem Design von sensorbasierten Eingabemedien zur Verbesserung der Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation.